Tuesday, May 10, 2016

My Music Video (part 1)

Hello Again!

     Hi everyone! As the end of the school year comes nearer and graduation gets closer, everything is starting to move really fast! I wanted to just take a few minutes today and give you another "behind the scenes" post. :) As a few of you know, part of my project was to make a music video of one of my original songs! Well, last week, that finally happened. 

The Song

     I wrote this song about how I didn't know what God's calling for me was, and how confused I felt. All I wanted to do was "get it right." I wanted to make sure I didn't screw up God's plan for me and do something I wasn't called to do. I felt totally lost because there were/are so many things I'd like to do. I also had a lot of pressure to know where I was going or what I was doing after high school from pretty much everyone I knew or met. (story of our lives, right seniors?) I got so frustrated and overwhelmed with all of my confused-ness that I finally wrote this song. It's called "This Narrow Road." (don't worry, you'll get to see the video and hear the song as soon as it's done!)

Planning Process

     I had my best friend help me with this whole thing, because she's got this talent for editing and filming things that I find none-existent in myself, we already did one music video together last year, and she's just as creative as me, so it was really fun to plan this with her! I went to her house and we took like two days trying to figure out what we wanted to do for this song. 
    The first thing I had to do was get over the fact that we were going to listen to me sing over and over and over and OVER. That was a lot harder than I wanted it to be. I was hoping that by now most of my insecurities would be gone, but I guess they're all still there.
That was really disappointing for me because I wanted to over-come all my anxieties and fears in this project, and obviously that hasn't totally happened if I still don't want to be there when my best friend is listening to my song.  *Sigh*
          We knew that we wanted the music video to be creative, and to really demonstrate who I am and where I've come from. The thought process was way harder than it's going to seem like in my making-of video, but from my experience, it usually is. 
     We eventually decided to incorporate things from my past into the video, like my old dance shoes, (I was sure I was destined to be a ballerina when I was younger, so very sure.) and my favorite stuffed animal from when I was little. We also incorporated my art, my music, my writing, and my hopes and dreams for the future in pictures. 

     Finally Getting Started

     When we finally got started it was SO fun to put together my life from the pieces we had with us! I don't want to give too much away before Kristen is done editing the video, so I'm not going to explain anything to you yet, but... Here are some sneak-peak pictures for you! 

< This was most of our first week. Watching our new favorite show (Worst Cooks in America) on Netflix and eating popcorn and mandarin oranges (because what is better than mandarin oranges?! Only brownies. Which are also in the video btw. I mean duh. ) while we printed off about 50-some pictures of things that mean a lot to me. (I totally recommend that show btw, it's hysterical.)
 Just a close up of some of the pictures we were printing off and cutting out. >

After that we had to put borders on all the pictures, which took quite awhile. Thank goodness Worst Cooks in America has three seasons. ;)

What are all these pictures for? I guess you're going to have to watch the video and find out. ;) 

oh yeah... The dryer also broke. A little improvising anyone? We may have blown a fuse... 
Whatever! We eventually got the pants dry enough to wear. So fyi everyone, now you know that the pants I'm wearing in the video are still a little wet. ;) hahahaha

     This is Puggy. She's very adorable. I love her. And yes this is a hair net, and yes we are evil, but it was funny. ;) 
Besides, if we didn't do this she would've look better than me, and you just can't look better than the star of the music video! 
Yes everyone, Puggy guest starred several different places in my music video. We couldn't resist her cuteness, and besides, I love cats. We couldn't bring my own kitty to Kristen's house, so we used her's. Of course she loves cats too. Cats are the best. Cats are my favorite. <3 
Pugs pretending to be more majestic than she actually is

Although a good majority of the filming was done inside, we also did almost half the video outside in the woods, and this is our method of getting my guitar out there, since I don't have a case yet. We wrapped her up in a blanket, and I had no idea how ridiculous I looked until Kristen showed me this picture... 
We had this tree that was totally perfect to perch the phone and speaker on. (Which was playing my song over and over...and over.)

Are You Excited?

     Are you guys as excited as I am for this to be finished?! I'm so excited to show all of you both of the music videos so you can see how we've learned and progressed. I'm on pins and needles with excitement for Kristen to finish! I know it'll take a little bit. 
Speaking of her...
 Sweetie I can't thank you enough for everything you do for me. Thank you a million billion times for doing this video with me and putting up with me for a week and a half. What would I do without you? Watch shows like Worst Cooks in America alone? Send awkward selfies to myself? Tell really bad jokes and laugh at myself? (... Jk. I do that anyway. )  that sounds so depressing! :O
 I love you so much. thank you for being so supportive of me and always believing in me even when I don't. <3 
You mean the world to me love.

Thanks for Reading!

Thanks for reading you guys! I'll see you later! I'm starting to freak out a little about the fact that spring celebration is only a couple of weeks away, but Larry keeps assuring me that I'll get everything done, so I'm trusting that it will be okay! God bless all of you! <3 
~Arianna Rose


  1. Interesting looking forward to more!

  2. GAAAH! I am so excited to see Pugs and brownies and you in the video! :) You make my heart smile, and I'm your 2nd biggest fan! (After your parents, of course...)
