Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Being on Stage

    Hey Everybody! As spring celebration is coming up fast (tomorrow actually. I present TOMORROW!!! :o :o :O *deep breaths* ) I wanted to talk about stage presence. :) 
    The presence you give on a stage is super important. What you wear is important, and what you act like is really important. 
I'm feeling pretty scatter-brained today as I have a lot to do and very little time to do it, so I'm really sorry if this post is kind of all-over the place.

Stage Appearance

     The first thing I want to talk about is what you wear. I did a lot of research on this. Most of what I read encourages girls to wear anything that draws more attention to their bodies.  Looking up images for "what to wear on stage" kind of proved that for me. Most stars wear very revealing things to draw more eyes to them. I didn't really go for that. I mean, I know it's super cliche to write all about how beauty is only skin deep etc.. but really. Don't even get me started with all the issues I have with the way these girls dress (or pretty much don't dress. I'd hardly count what they're wearing as clothes... just sayin'.) 

What is "Real Beauty?"

      Honestly, do you really want everyone to think all you are worth is what you can show on the outside? If I've learned anything this past year, it's that music is 100% from the inside. Every song I've written, ever word I've sang, has been from inside my heart. The reason music messes with people is because it touches them someplace deep inside. It's like setting your emotions inside of somebody else.

If you could hear emotions, they would sound like music.

    Music has the power to give you that moment where suddenly you don't care what you look like, you just have to cry for awhile. That's what music is to me. So the last thing I want to do is dress as if all that matters is what's going on on the outside. This isn't just about being modest, it's about giving people a chance to have a moment without being distracted. I can't speak for all musicians, but for me, my music was written to change hearts and give people that moment with God that they want back when it's over. I don't want their eyes on me, I want their hearts pulled in and vulnerable, because guys, that's real beauty. 

 What I Chose to Wear


     I wanted to go simple, but still look good. Always a girl's struggle. ;) Anyway, I went shopping with my mom and we found a dress in my current favorite color. :D (I'm not sure what color it is though, I just really, really like it. ;)
     I got these floral wedges over 10 months ago, but I haven't worn them yet. I'm finally brave enough to wear them with my outfit. I got them on sale. I thought "surely someday I'll wear these, they're too cute to leave behind!" It's not that I haven't had the opportunity, it's just that I'm really insecure about my height. I'm almost 5'8" already. With these, I'm almost 6'. With most of my friends being pretty short, I always feel like the giant anyway, so I never was brave enough to wear these shoes. Now I'm finally gonna do it! :D I want to talk about all the anxiety and fear that I've had through this project at the spring celebration, so I thought it would be a great demonstration of my confidence growth. I'm not gonna lie, I'm kind of excited. ;) 
     I'm not sure how I'll have my hair yet. I guess it comes down to just depending on how much time we have. ;) 
     I'm not sure yet, but I think I'll go with this nice silver necklace. it's pretty simple, but it's still nice. 
     I've been saving this set of jamberry nails all year!!! I'm so excited for them, even if you guys are the only ones who will know they're on my nails during the presentation. ;) 

Stage Presence

     As some of you may or may not know, I have to sing tomorrow! In front of everyone!!! *blows up like puffer fish from Finding Nemo* *starts quoting Finding Nemo in my head because I know that movie way too well* 
     Anyway... I'm kinda freaking out inside, but it's gotta happen. 
     Did you know that as soon as you appear nervous on a stage your audience gets really uncomfortable? I actually did some research on what causes stage fright, and the truth is, when you get on a stage to speak or to sing or to do anything, the part of your brain that stimulates fear tells you that your audience are predators. As in.. You=Zebra,They=Lion. yeah. That kind of fear. No wonder stage fright is such a common thing if that's what our brains are telling us! 
     But through all my talks with my dad and all the research I've done, I've learned that all an audience really wants is to be entertained. I'm not sure about you, but when I watch people on stages, all I sit there and think is "She/He is totally awesome!" "He/She can do this!" and "I hope to high-heaven they don't call on me!"
     My dad told me that people love watching a performance done with confidence, because even if they don't know it, they live vicariously through the performer while they watch them. You think you're the only one who drives down the highway singing your lungs out to the radio and pretending you're famous too? Heck no. We ALL do it. ;)

      Finding My Own Secret

     I'm about to tell you a little secret of mine. You must keep it in absolute confidence. Ready? ;) 
     Knowing the research never helped. So, I decided to just figure something out by myself. Then I watched a clip of a girl on Brittan's Got Talent. I'll link it here so you can watch it too. 
(this isn't the secret, but I totally binge watch these and cry and clap and everything for hours at a time... I'm weird like that. ;) )
So when you're done watching it you can come back and read what I have to say. Go on, click that link. ;) 
     She's amazing isn't she? What she was saying before she went on went right to my heart because it's exactly how I feel. But she somehow did incredible even though she's terrified! How did she do that?! That's what I had to figure out. I decided the reason she captured me (and still captures me every time. I seriously start crying almost every time I watch this! I know, I'm ridiculous. )  so totally, was because she loves singing, and she took the feelings and the passion behind the song and poured it out of herself with everything she had as she sang. "I can do that" I thought. "I'm pretty much all feelings, I think I've got this."
     So that's my secret. I don't need to dance around the stage or be a huge star or have fancy flashy clothes, all I need is to figure out how the song touches my heart, and let my walls down when I'm on stage. Yeah, that's a lot scarier than it sounds, and for sure it's hard to do with people watching you, but the first time I was able to put my hand up and totally praise my God on the youth group stage was a HUGE moment for me in a lot of ways. 

 I Can't Believe It's Almost Over!

     That's what I'm going to try tomorrow, but no promises that it will be amazing because I actually got a cold just yesterday... Great timing I know. :P I can't believe my project is practically over!!! There was a point I wasn't sure I could get this far. Thank you God, and thank you all my readers who prayed for me. I love all of you so, so much. God bless your beautiful hearts. I'll let you know how it goes!
~Arianna Rose 

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