Tuesday, April 12, 2016

A Light at the End of the Tunnel

     Hello There :)

     Hi everybody! I’m excited to share with you some good news after last month’s post. I’m back home after a much-needed break at my sister's house, and I’m feeling so much better. After my last post my facebook inbox was filling up so fast. I was pretty overwhelmed with how many people really cared and sometimes I was surprised at those of you who I never knew read my blog! Thank you so much for your prayers. They’re working! I’m feeling much better, and more inspired to do life again. :D 


     So the first thing I want to tell you is that my dad and I decided that we were only going to do a 5 song album. That makes it a lot less overwhelming for both of us actually. I did write 10 songs, but we’ll save the others for maybe next year after I come home from school. It’s been really hard to pick the songs, but we finally decided on the one that started all of this (the song I wrote for my friend.) and then four others. My to-do list is still pretty over-whelming, but I have had people come around me, pick me up, and say “let’s do this together;” so everything’s flowing a little smoother now! :D Thank you, thank you, thank you. Everyone. <3

     Breaking News

      So… I have some big news! We have officially recorded the first song! I’m not that happy with parts of it, but I decided to just be happy that it’s done. And thank goodness my dad is happy with it. *whew* haha. ;) I’m so excited that it’s actually done!

      The next bit of news is that I have my beautiful, talented band-mate and friend Alexi singing my harmonies for me! She’s been harmonizing with me for awhile now because we’re in the youth band together, so it's going great. Our voices blend really well. :) It’s so much fun to work with her happy and uplifting adorable self! :D We had our first session with my dad yesterday and I can safely say that there’s some pretty good stuff coming your way come the end of May! ;)
      Also... due to stress and biting off way more than we could apparently chew in a year, we decided to only do a five song album. yes I wrote 10 songs but the other five are gonna just sit for awhile...  I'm not sure if that still counts as a whole album... maybe I should look that up... ;) haha

     Here’s some good news specifically for my readers. I’m going to (if all goes well!) be blogging every week until the end of May! I need a lot more blog posts to get my senior project up to standards, so I guess you’ll be hearing from me more often!

I’m about to go to a friend’s house and hopefully work with her dad on my vocals for a couple days. Things are definitely looking up. ;)

Still so Much to Do!

      Like I said, I still have a lot to do! I’m gonna include some pictures of my rubric for my senior project in here so you guys can see what I need to do and stuff. 
     The “at goal” is where I need to be to graduate, (thank goodness this is a little flexible because the blog posting hasn’t been necessarily “at goal”) The above goal means “go me!” and the below goal is… not so good.

     Well, I can't blog for long this time 'cause I’m working on a lot of other stuff right now. I just wanted to catch you guys up a little and let you know that I’m doing better, and I’m on my way to something great. 

     Is there anything in the rubric that you would love for me to do a specific blog post on? Let me know what you’re interested in hearing about in the comments!

Well, I guess I’ll see you next week! ;)



  1. Great news post. Will continue praying.

    Great news ! Glad to hear things are going better. Will continue to pray.

  2. Hey there, I am so happy that you see that light at the end of the tunnel, dear. You've got a cheerleader over here! <3
