Happy Tuesday!
Happy Tuesday everyone. :D Today feels like a good day. I love the days you wake up early and feel like "something's in the air.... I'm not sure what, but I like it. I can do anything today! ;) " Those days are spread pretty far apart for me, but when they happen I try to take advantage of them.
So I don't have any life long lesson to tell you guys about today, but I'm still going to blog, because I'm in a good mood and blogging makes me happy. (andddd I can log school time for it ;))
A Little More About The Project
Proposing this as my senior project was a lot of work... I haven't really talked about all the lists and planning that went into it, but it took a long time, so I feel like I should show you some stuff. This is a screen shot of the meetings I have with my adviser once-twice a week. He shows me this list and we talk about how the different tasks are going. He helps make sure I'm actually doing what I need to be doing ;) and he offers help and supports me. Larry- you're awesome. Thanks for everything. :)
This is some brainstorming I did for the project.
My original gliffy (which I can't find now... other wise I would show you) was a huge mess, so thank you so much Kristen for sitting with me over skype for hours fixing my jumbles :)
Here's the link if you want to check it out! This was a LOT of work.
That's all I want to show you of that for now, I just wanted to give you a taste of how much work putting together a senior project actually is...
A Little More About Me
Because I have nothing specific to say today, I'm going to tell you a little more about me, (If you actually don't me, you probably have no idea about who I really am; except that I love Jesus, music, and brownies. haha ;) )
Fun facts, here we come
1) I'm an artist. I've been painting and drawing as long as I can remember, here's the extent my art has come to:
Last school year I did a project on hand painting umbrellas. I love umbrellas because they're cute and they're associated with rain, which is the best thing to ever fall from heaven. (aside from the first snow of the year. of course.)
One of them is themed Paris because Paris is beautiful and I may have a little bit of an obsession... and one of them I painted for one of my best friends for her birthday; so it has best friends all over it. :) Friendships are very important to me.
Haha oh my gosh I just told you like six fun facts in one.... I may as well make it seven. (which is my favorite number.<<bonus. ;)
7) Let me explain the two girls with the hula hoops on the friendship umbrella. I'm a Hoop dancer. This very special friend of mine introduced me to hoop dancing. If you have no earthly clue what that is, it's dancing with a hula hoop. It sounds weird, but I promise it's cool. here's the first video I ever saw, if it inspires you, go buy a dance hoop and watch some youtube tutorials. I couldn't even hula hoop around my waist when I started two years ago, so I'm pretty sure if you set your mind to it, you got this. ;) This is my way of de-stressing, feeling good about myself, expressing feeling through dace, and my way of staying thin. ;) Some day soon I will make a video for evidence and share it on my blog so you guys can see what I can do.
^this really is me guys :D ^ |
A Little About the Music :)
My guitar is going really well. I'm working hard on it and pushing farther and farther. Yesterday I had a 45 minute practice and my fingers weren't even sore. ;) I feel insecure playing around people, partly because I don't feel like I can really play yet, because my dad is just sooo good. It's a hard act to follow; but things are getting better, and I'm getting a lot faster at chord changes. :)
Last week my dad and I got two guitar hangers for my wall, and since I just re-did my bedroom, my Epiphone sg and my Fender Acoustic look beautiful! I love seeing them when I walk in. <3
I wrote another song recently, it's called "Here I Go" and it's about leaps of faith and how I didn't know what I was getting myself into when I said I'd do anything for God... I think it will be pretty good when we're done with it. :)
I love love love being involved in the worship band at my Youth Group. It's helping me to be comfortable worshiping on a stage, and It's increasing my singing skills a lot; with the help of the Ken Tamplin Program, I think I'm getting better already!
Thanks for Caring!
Seriously, thank you so much for reading the posts like this that don't really matter and don't have a point except for updating you. It means so much to me that there are people out there who care that much about what I'm working so hard on.
I'm plotting on in my musical journey, I'm distractable, really bad at organizing my life, and a huge procrastinator.... but it's the people who care and support me anyway that keep me wanting to go on. It's people like you, who made it through this post and are praying for me and encouraging me, that remind me I'm not alone. I can do this, but I need you guys-so thanks. :)
Have a wonderful week! Remember how loved you are <3
~Arianna Rose